Our research into the holiday home market revealed that in many cases the Investment was made on impulse and without any clear vision, leading in some cases to regrettable and costly decisions. Armed with these findings and with our
contemporary knowledge of the ‘Costa’ market we set up Marbella Home Selectors to focus on behalf of the buyers in the Selection process. Our process will inevitably lead to a sound informed decision.
Prior to setting up Marbella Home Selectors , for fifteen years James ran his own successful Management Consultancy business, focusing on mergers and acquisitions and coaching. This followed twenty-five years of business success across Europe and the USA, where he gained vast experience at both operational and CEO level in FMCG Companies. The bedrock and source of his success in business can be traced back to his time in London in the 1970s where he trained as a professional Accountant and worked for one of the Leading Global Chartered Accounting firms of that era.
Our research into the holiday home market revealed that in many cases the Investment was made on impulse and without any clear vision, leading in some cases to regrettable and costly decisions. Armed with these findings and with our contemporary knowledge of the ‘Costa’ market we set up Marbella Home Selectors to focus on behalf of the buyers in the Selection process. Our process will inevitably lead to a sound informed decision.
Prior to setting up Marbella Home Selectors , for fifteen years James ran his own successful Management Consultancy business, focusing on mergers and acquisitions and coaching. This followed twenty-five years of business success across Europe and the USA, where he gained vast experience at both operational and CEO level in FMCG Companies. The bedrock and source of his success in business can be traced back to his time in London in the 1970s where he trained as a professional Accountant and worked for one of the Leading Global Chartered Accounting firms of that era.
Our research into the holiday home market revealed that in many cases the Investment was made on impulse and without any clear vision, leading in some cases to regrettable and costly decisions. Armed with these findings and with our contemporary knowledge of the ‘Costa’ market we set up Marbella Home Selectors to focus on behalf of the buyers in the Selection process. Our process will inevitably lead to a sound informed decision.
Prior to setting up Marbella Home Selectors , for fifteen years James ran his own successful Management Consultancy business, focusing on mergers and acquisitions and coaching. This followed twenty-five years of business success across Europe and the USA, where he gained vast experience at both operational and CEO level in FMCG Companies. The bedrock and source of his success in business can be traced back to his time in London in the 1970s where he trained as a professional Accountant and worked for one of the Leading Global Chartered Accounting firms of that era.
“To Guarantee our independence, we will act only for you the buyer. We will do the leg work and select a handful of homes in line with our agreed specification. We will carry out our work in line with our agreed terms, in a timely, transparent and trustworthy fashion.”
“To Guarantee our independence, we will act only for you the buyer. We will do the leg work and select a handful of homes in line with our agreed specification. We will carry out our work in line with our agreed terms, in a timely, transparent and trustworthy fashion.”